Saturday, September 27, 2003

SausageFest 2003: so damn classy.

(Ryan Steeb, Loi, Ashely, Andy Mueller, x, Me.)

Ben Foster at SausageFest 2003 ("Don't just stare at it, eat it!"). This is a few minutes before the police came and Ben, showing the form of a track champion, vaulted the back fence and made his escape. International man of leisure Andy Mueller lines up his shot while Foster straightens the Beirut rack.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Yankee Game with Jono, Leah, and Anna

More Yankee Stadium. Leah has become what we in the biz call "lap candy," for what we in the biz call "Jono."

More Yankees, with Anna being terminally cute as always.

In the bleachers at Yankee Stadium. You can see Jono slyly biting Leah's shoulder.

I was taken to my first Yankee game as a New York City resident, by Anna Mack, Leah, and Jono.