Matt and Mike, each trying hard to be as much of an effete snob as I am. (Mike has borrowed my glasses to assist in the effort.)
At this point, mainly a photoblog of my life. Tangible evidence that I exist and that I've ever done anything is scant, since I haven't owned a camera until very recently, and have to depend on the shutterbug tendencies of others.
Sun, August 28
1:25:17 (6:30 per mile)
I finished 27th out of 701 in the 19-29 age group for men.
I finished 89th out of 3570 men, total.
I finished 94th out of 6328 runners, total. (Five women beat me.)
[Felt pretty strong. Could've pushed harder, didn't know the distance
all that well. Saw Gabe Winkler at the finish line, ran past Leah
about mile 4 or so. Actually didn't really have any aches and pains
afterwards. I don't have splits, but I think I was very consistent