Me and Kate up towards the top of Valles Frances. The Cuernos are to our left.

Los Cuernos del Paine.

Kate is exhausted, and taking a nap on the afternoon of our third day of hiking. We're on the lawn at Lago Pehoe, on our way to Camp Italiano at the base of Valles Frances.

Above Glacier Grey, leaning into the wind as a passerby snaps our photo.

Kate above Glacier Grey on Day 2.

Leaning into the wind, at a lookup about two hours north of Lago Grey overlooking Glacier Grey. It must've been about a 70 mph wind or so.

Overlooking Glacier Grey. By the short shorts, you can see that we had really great weather for the first few days of our hike.

Kate is
not amused by the prospect of the ladders which were lashed to the sides of the steeper hillsides on our hike from our campsite on the beach at Lago Grey up towards Campomento Los Pasos.

Glacier Grey. There were lots of fire-denuded hillsides, and a high hot sun that made me glad I'd packed shorts.

Kate above Lago Grey.
Torres del Paine on the right, above an unknown lake on the way towards the park entrance.
Guanacos grazing in sight of the Cuernos del Paine.

Cuernos on the right, Cumbre Principal and attendant peaks on the left. Shot from the catamaran that brought us from the park entrance to Lago Pehoe, where we started our hike.