See, there are many, many ways to procrastinate.
You can read a book, watch television, suft the 'Net.... All of those do, however, feel like goofing off, and eventually will make you feel guilty.
There's a better way: chores.
See, if your time-wasting avoidance-oriented task is both somewhat unpleasant as well as at least marginally useful... well, that's a horse of a different color, now id'n'it?
So, seeing as I had something that I very much wanted to avoid doing the other day, I thought to myself, "Isn't it about time that I completely clean and reorganize my room and the apartment altogether?"
Yes, yes it was.
So the floors got swept and mopped, all the clothes got taken out and down and reorganized. The summer stuff was packed away into boxes and placed way up high, the huge clump of unfolded clean laundry was folded and put in the dresser, and the books were reorganized. And it only took four hours! Lovely!