Sunrise looking over the Osa bay. This is about six o'clock or so. We had quick sunsets (since the sun went down in the jungle behind us) but really great sunrises every single day. We were awake for all of them, since the howler monkeys crowed an hour before sun-up without fail.
The water was perfectly warm, and the beach about half and half between blonde sand and pebbles.
More colors as the sun rises over the mainland.
We're looking across the bay, eastward. The water is a pretty placid piece of the Pacific.
Pelicans would divebomb for fish every morning at dawn.
Kate stands in the surf. More sunrise.
A very cute stray dog. The stray dog density was perhaps 0.25 x D, where D is the mathematical constant representing the maximum stray dog density as achieved in Darjeeling. 0.25 x D is a lot of dogs.
There were many large iguanas and medium-sized skinks.