Sunday, August 08, 1999

The Riverside Boat Club lightweight eight on the awards dock at Canadian Henley in August of 1999. The crew was Eric Kenney stroke, Tom Keister, John McKenna, Sean Wolf, Jason Banks, MJ Curry, Erik Limpitlaw, Brian Barrett at bow.
Also on the squad were Mike Dipierro, Ed O'Malley, and Matt Smith. Our coaches were Jon Pojednic and Greg Barringer.

Riverside lightweight eight at the Canadian Henley, summer of 1999.

We're mid-race en route to winning the intermediate light eight pretty handily. The crew was pretty slick as far as tech, and tough enough to get most everything out of their fitness. MJ had pulled a 6:21 2k earlier in the summer, and Tom Keister had spun 6:16... but that was about as close as we got to having true erg monsters in the boat. There were enough people in the high 6:20s and low 6:30s to make it go.

This shell, a brand new Filippi, was tight. A very small coxswain berth, but it had one neat feature: footstrap tie-ins for the cox. Awesome, especially during the 500m dash.

On the medals dock at Canley.