Monday, November 27, 2006


Bandu! It's down to three (Rich, me, and Greg) and about to get quite precarious.

The kiss piece wasn't too bad.

I lost, but was quite proud of balancing the cup piece, which no one really thought was possible.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Somewhere in Chelsea, mid-autumn (or "Why is life so cruel to the little ones?")

Puppy under glass.

He looks like an adorable, forlorn, furry slug.

Upright, though still mournful.

Some autumn photos

David's Birthday

David was kidnapped from his apartment, and taken forcibly to a hockey game at Madison Square Garden.

Viv and David, obviously intoxicated on love, hockey, and $7.75 beers.

Mugging for the camera.

National anthem, Sabres at Rangers.

David, overcome with joy, clearly.

Entering the stadium, just before the big reveal.

A pint-sized Rangers fan poses for us with David.


Tickets are held before the blind man.

We arrive at MSG.

The unblindfolded are amused, because I dove onto the floor in Penn Station to get this shot.

David is hopelessly disoriented, while we celebrate our successful ruse.

Viv steering David.

Tanzanian hip-hop was pumped into David's ears at high volume, to maintain the mystery as the conductor announced the train stops.

The blindfold knot was in the front, which was fun for the whole family.

Leading him down stairs was an adventure. It helped to count them off, so he knew when they were ending.

More subway. Our fellow travelers were alternately perplexed and amused.

Through the subway system to Penn Station.

Leading David out of the apartment building, blindfolded.